
Adult Classes are designed to help you grow in your understanding of biblical truths. These classes are based on specific topics and are usually offered in 6- to 12-week segments at 9:30 or 11:15 AM on Sunday mornings. We have terrific teachers and topics, and we hope you will take advantage of these extra learning opportunities.


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Are you new to The Grove? Or you may have been here a while but are looking to get plugged in? Come to Starting Point on Sunday, March 2 at 9:30 AM in Room D-3. Representatives from different ministries and programs will be there to give you an overview and answer questions. Registration is not required. Click here to email Hannah with any questions.


Are you new to following Jesus or looking to get serious about walking out your faith? Come learn the biblical foundations of the Christian faith during our 6-week class. This class is held in Room D-5 at 9:30 AM on Sundays. Our next session begins on February 23.

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If you are interested in making The Grove your home church, this is your next step. Here, you’ll discover the things God is doing in and through this church and how you can be involved. Before attending the class, please visit for prerequisite information. The next class will be offered on Wednesday, April 2 at 6:30 PM. Registration coming soon.

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The Spiritual Gifts Class at The Grove consists of two sessions that help define the area of ministry for which you have a passion, what gifts God has given you, and the style of serving within which you will function most easily. Join us for both Friday, April 25, 7-8:30 PM and Saturday, April 26, 9-11 AM in Room D-2. Registration coming soon.


Are you an engaged couple in need of premarital counseling? This class is an excellent opportunity to gain tools for marriage. Class begins on Friday, June 20 from 7-9 PM and concludes on Saturday, June 21 from 8 AM - 12 PM in Room D-4; please plan to attend both sessions. Registration coming soon.


Grandparents, join us for a one-day simulcasted event hosted on Saturday, February 22 from 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM in Room C-100. This is the only national conference available on Christian grandparenting! The Legacy Grandparenting Summit is for you if you want to see your grandchildren follow Christ, if you desire to leave a lasting legacy of love, and if you want to influence generations of your family for Christ. Register today for Early Bird pricing!


This six-week class will cover the timeless principles of leadership recorded in the book of Nehemiah applicable to everyone regardless of your status or position. One of our Lay Ministers, Dr. John Marselus, will be sharing over the course of 6 weeks in Room D-2 on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM from March 16 to April 13. 





Have questions about Growth Classes? Let us know!