The Refuge exists to encourage Junior High students to take their faith to the next step. We do this through a welcoming community of leaders who encourage them in their relationship with the Lord and invest in their lives on a weekly basis. We offer services, small groups, fun games, special events, and trips that promote community-building relationships and spiritual growth.
The best way to get connected is at SUMMER CAMP! Click here to learn more!
Times & Locations
Times and Locations
Jr. High Ministry, Refuge, takes place at all four services in Room C-200. (Year-long)
As a part of Grove Family Night, we meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 PM in Room C-200. (August 21 - April 30)
What To Expect
Junior Higher’s from across Riverside come together for a time of music, worship, Bible teaching and building relationships. During our Sunday services we study the same topic as the adults in the main service, but with the message geared toward junior high students. Our desire is to create a pathway for Gospel-centered conversations at home with the family.
Our weekly Wednesday gathering is designed to build community with junior high students and challenge them in their faith. Together we hang out with fun and engaging games, lively worship, a short message followed by small group discussion. Our topics are relevant to this age-group as well as the sharing of the Gospel. Our desire is create a safe space to help them walk through life’s challenges and grow in the Lord.