Our goal through Treks is to help our church family capture the heart of God and His desire to make His name known among the nations! We do this by providing both local and global opportunities to go serve and share the love of Christ with those around us. We want to meet not just physical needs, but the deeper spiritual needs of those who hunger for hope.


Trek With Us

Local Treks These treks are equally a great blessing to those you meet as well as a great blessing to you! Our prayer is that Grove Trek members will be changed by God as they reach all people and return with a greater passion and heart for Christ’s Kingdom.

Local Treks
These treks are equally a great blessing to those you meet as well as a great blessing to you! Our prayer is that Grove Trek members will be changed by God as they reach all people and return with a greater passion and heart for Christ’s Kingdom.

Global Treks We would love to have you join a Grove team heading out into the world to love, learn, and serve. Whether it’s using vacation time or a free weekend, YOU are invited to visit our Global Partners and join in the mission of what God is doing in and around the world! Join us as we encourage our Global Partners, work on projects, and visit other venues.

Global Treks
We would love to have you join a Grove team heading out into the world to love, learn, and serve. Whether it’s using vacation time or a free weekend, YOU are invited to visit our Global Partners and join in the mission of what God is doing in and around the world! Join us as we encourage our Global Partners, work on projects, and visit other venues.


Teams are forming now!


April 6-16

On this trek, we will help run a VBS for roughly 60 third-country kids (infants to 17) at the SIM Conference, tour the hospital where our Global Partners, the Petersons, work, and experience ministry with them. We will walk the shopping area in Kijabe to pray, connect, and see the area. There may be an opportunity to visit an English School in Eastleigh and go see the safari park in Nairobi.

Women’s Thailand Trek

April 24 - May 7

Join us for an unforgettable journey to Chiang Mai, Thailand. There, you'll witness firsthand how God is at work across the globe, meeting both the spiritual and physical needs of people. This trip is designed to open your eyes and heart to the realities of the world and how Christians are called to care for the vulnerable and hurting.

Women’s SE Asia Trek

June 22 - July 2

Join us for a powerful women’s mission trip to Southeast Asia, where you’ll step into a vibrant city bustling with life, yet where Christians are few and the need for the Gospel is great. This trip is an invitation to share the love of Christ in a place where the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Through prayer, teaching, and serving, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with people, grow in your faith, and experience the heart of God for the lost.

YA SE Asia Trek B

July 7-23

As you prepare to embark on an exciting new chapter in life, join us for a transformative trek designed specifically for graduating seniors. This trip is an invitation to hear from a Young Adult Global Partner who is passionately pursuing God’s vision for discipleship and missions. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Christ into the world and how your next steps can align with His plan for your life.

Men’s Chile Trek

October 1-14

Are you handy with tools? Do you have some handyman skills? Join us on a meaningful mission trip to Lautaro, Chile, where men of all skill levels can come together to support a new church plant through hands-on service and fellowship. This trip is an opportunity to use your practical skills to help meet the needs of a growing church community while also building relationships with local believers and witnessing how God is at work in Lautaro.

Please pray for these Trek Teams preparing to go:


Young Adults SE Asia Trek

May 12-28


June 13-23


High School Thailand

July 2025

High School Chile Trek

July 2025

High School Central Asia Trek

July 2025


Interested in learning more about Treks? Let us know!